On Jan 26, 2018, at 8:02 PM, Stewart C. Russell <scr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If we got the Toronto licence approved tomorrow and none of the
> municipal licences changed for the better, at this rate we'd have all of
> the BC2020 data cleared for use by 2088 …

Now, no reason to let optimism wither; nobody is saying the project should 
change its name to 2090 or 2050 or even 2030.  (Hm, 2030?  Uh, scratch that I 
said that).

OSM is a medium-to-longer term project.  BC2020 is very ambitious:  it is in 
its early days.  Let throats clear, flags fly up flagpoles, wheels to remain in 
motion, dialog to continue and good work to continue.  Including the solid task 
of planting acorns so that mighty oaks may grow.

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