Just FYI, I am not doing an automated edit.  One at a time in JOSM.

On 2018-01-28 10:23 PM, Stewart C. Russell wrote:
On 2018-01-28 08:22 PM, Matthew Darwin wrote:
I am wondering if I should have them in the format of "+1 999
555 1234" or "+1-999-555-1234".    If there is no existing preference
adopted in OSM Canada, I will use the latter to cleanup the
non-compliant phone numbers.

Please use the ITU standard: it's international, and so are we. You
never know what country an OSM user will be coming from.

The great advantage to having the +1 in a number is that Canadian cell
phones won't give you the stupid "This is a long distance call …" spiel
if you include it.

Thanks for looking at this - but as with any automated edit, please take


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