Hey, a discussion for multi-contact and phone tag semantics-meets-syntax.  

Note how our tag:phone wiki https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Key:phone hews pretty 
strongly to ITU-T E.164.  That is a goal to shoot for, as what it calls "user 
agents" is what I referred to as "a phone number parser."  There is some 
caution ("not voted on just documentation of use") about country-specific 
usage, should Canada fully embrace something unique.

I can also imagine a "sweeper script" (specific to Canada geographically, if 
you wish) which does selecting-new-and-possibly-unorthodox phone numbers 
getting run once in a while, say twice a year, to keep a checking eye on 
things.  That could be a short Overpass Turbo script plus a few minutes of 
human analysis similar to the sort you (Matthew) are doing now.

Like mowing the lawn, as I think about it.  Sure, I had to buy a lawnmower and 
I even sharpen the blades now and then.  So, the task is easy.

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