> 3) We're not lacking interest. We would very much love to see this data
in the database. What we're missing is manpower. Doing an automated
import would be quite arduous. We're not sure where to start in order to
take the dwg data and automatically reconstruct closed polygons that
correspond to individual buildings.

​We don't need experienced mappers to enrich the tags on the buildings.
Since many of the outlines are drawn anyway there is little likelihood that
they will miss draw the building outlines with iD and that is something
Pirre and I would not like to see.

What we do need is a feedback loop.  Bjenk had something in R that was a
dashboard.  You fed it an .OSM file and it showed how many buildings had
been mapped but more importantly ​showed how many tags were on them and
what they were.

Note to Julia can you get your hands on it?

Note to Alessandro same question.  Having the dashboard visible for
Montreal would help motivate casual mappers.

Once we have a baseline we can measure progress.

http://www.statcan.gc.ca/eng/crowdsourcing has the links in both English
and French for this type of mapping.  Realistically we need the French.
Could someone add a French pointer at the top of the BC2020i wiki page
pointing to the French text at Stats Canada on the pilot project.  I can
read French but I don't think my written French is good enough.

Bjenk's thoughts were we could tap into the schools somehow.  There is
smartphone software around that can add detail to the map.

In Ottawa adding levels was sometimes quite rapid.  If you know the
neighbourhood is all two stories select them in JOSM and bulk add building:
*levels* it is quick and adds tags.

If we find there are areas without building outlines then we can tackle
those at a later date.  Meantime we can at least get some added value tags
on what we have and it looks as if you've done a nice job so far.

Cheerio John
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