On Tue 2009-03-03 23:21:48, Stanislav Brabec wrote:
> Na talk@ nyní probíhá rozsáhlá diskuse o změně licence OSM dat. Někteří
> si jí možná nevšimli, a protože nás výsledek potenciálně může připravit
> o 20% dat OSM Czechia, prosím, věnujte ji pozornost.
> Po přečtení tamějšího threadu začínám mít dokonce pocit, že někteří
> významní přispěvatelé české OSM z komerční sféry by dokonce mohli
> ztratit motivaci se na OSM podílet, neboť nová license už by
> neumožňovala zpracování databáze v closed source nástrojích.
> Prosím ty, kterých by se to mohlo týkat, aby si novou licenci důkladně
> přečetli, případně ji i prostudovali s právníky, a včas se ozvali na
> mezinárodním listu.

Tady je moje reakce, bohuzel mezinarodni list je subscribers-only.

> Learning from history of open projects, nearly all of them forked
> the license change. You should expect, that OSM will do it as well.
It will need to. That ODbL thing is ugly, dangerous, and substantial
change over previous CC-by-sa licensing.


it is 10 pages of ugly legaleese.


ODbL explicitely does not cover art (etc) you merge it with. Under
CC-by-SA, if you create beatiful painted map partially based on
openstreetmap, everyone automatically has right to copy that map,
along with the paintings... and that's good. ODbL only covers database

If ODbL is adopted, people are alowed to create maps based on
openstreetmap, and we will not be able to copy/use those maps. That
just does not sound fair.


 + 1 week

    * Website to allow users to voluntarily agree to new
license. Design allows you to click yes, or if you disagree a further
page explaining the position and asking to reconsider as there may be
a requirement to ultimately remove the users data. This will help stop
people accidentally clicking 'no'. Sign up page now states you agree
to license your changes under both CCBYSA and also ODbL.

Yeah, that sounds voluntary. "Agree to the crap we invented, or we
delete your data".


 + 2 months

    * Final cut-off.

Hmm. openstreetmap is in big part covered by imports, and companies
provided data for imports under CC-by-SA. Having to negotiate imports
once was bad, but having to do it second time is stupid... and 2
months do not seem like enough time.

So prepare to delete Czech republic.


What are the benefits? I don't see any.

(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures) 

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