jzvc wrote:
> To tam mohlo bejt 100x, pravne je to stejne neobhajitelny, protoze
> nemuzes souhlasit s necim co neznas - ze zakona. A pocitam ze podobne to
> bude ve vetsine statu EU.

Tenhle nesmysl tu muzes omylat zas a znova az do zblbnuti, ale nic to
nemeni na tom, co lidi v CT skutecne odsouhlasili:

Rights Granted

2. Subject to Section 3 and 4 below, You hereby grant to OSMF a
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related right over anything within the Contents, whether in the original
medium or any other. These rights explicitly include commercial use, and
do not exclude any field of endeavour. These rights include, without
limitation, the right to sub-license the work through multiple tiers of
sub-licensees and to sue for any copyright violation directly connected
with OSMF's rights under these terms. To the extent allowable under
applicable local laws and copyright conventions, You also waive and/or
agree not to assert against OSMF or its licensees any moral rights that
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3. OSMF agrees that it may only use or sub-license Your Contents as part
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contents of the database; CC-BY-SA 2.0; or such other free and open
licence (for example, http://www.opendefinition.org/okd/) as may from
time to time be chosen by a vote of the OSMF membership and approved by
at least a 2/3 majority vote of active contributors.

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