Frederik Ramm wrote
> Aber ich denke, man kann ihm schon zu verstehen geben, dass OSM nicht
> seine private Spielwiese ist, der er (s)ein Ordnungssystem nach Belieben
> aufdraengen kann, ohne das mit den "Locals" zu besprechen.

er hat sich heute gemeldet - wahrscheinlich weil die Dinger schon draußen

Verdi_P" wrote
> There are strong arguments about finding those relations without having to
> query LOTS of data in the database.
> Also because editors will frequently miss the fact that boundary ways are
> shared by more than one relation, and they don't load them all. By linking
> them to the parent, each time you load a segment shared by multiple
> relations in the editor, these relations are aloso loaded (not all member
> ways themselves but their reference), so that when splitting or merging
> ways, this updates as well the other relations without breaking them.
> These elements facilitate a lot the maintenance of broken boundaries,
> without having to scan the database everywhere : 
> * any broken relation appears immediately, as they are all loaded once you
> have loaded a way. 
> * you can easily browse the full set of subareas making a parent one,
> without having to perform geographic searches on a wide area, you don't
> need to query an external database maintaining these relationships (too
> often these external tools are out of sync so broken relations persiste
> for long without being detected) 
> * when broken relations persist for long, many dependant maps will be
> updated on all zoom scales, espacially for large relations. 
> * various tools will start using these broken relations incorrectly 
> ** this includes Nominatim confusing inner/outer areas, or trying to guess
> where a border city is located and determines with an heuristic that it is
> nearer from the centroid of the multiple candidates relations. ** this
> includes the capability to work with the database and selecting the
> appropriate subrelations when there are ambiguities in tags.

ich sehe seine Argumentationskette teilweise als "Tagging für den Editor"
und hauptsächlich "Vereinfachung seiner Maintenance" an und habe ihm
entsprechend geantwortet.

Mal sehen, ob er die Finger davon lässt oder ob die Teile wieder auftauchen.


[url=] Missing Residentials Map 
1.17[/url] [url=] Postcode Map 2.0.2[/url]
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