
SteveC wrote:
> I was told though that I was taken out of the second edition of the  
> book, is that right? I remember I was mentioned fairy up front in the  
> first edition.

We have a section on CloudMade (p.164) where we say that "one of the 
CloudMade founders is Steve Coast, inventor of OpenStreetMap".

(Es gibt einen Abschnitt ueber CloudMade (S. 164) wo wir schreiben, dass 
zu den CloudMade-Gruendern auch der OSM-Erfinder Steve Coast gehoert.)

> I think what you meant to say is that Jon Wilbanks, a guy from from  
> Science Commons, thinks we should use it, and he also thinks every  
> database in the whole world should use it?

Do you think I should ask Creative Commons for a statement, and do you 
have reason to believe they will say "oh sorry, John Wilbanks just talks 
bullshit"? If I remember correctly, Thinh Nguyen has, in his official 
Creative Commons capacity, basically re-iterated what John Wilbanks has 

(Denkst Du, ich sollte Creative Commons danach fragen, und gibt es einen 
Grund, anzunehmen, dass sie dann sagen "oh, sorry, John Wilbanks redet 
Mist"? Wenn ich mich recht erinnere, hat Thing Nguyen als offizieller 
Creative Commons-Vertreter im Grunde genau das gleiche wie John Wilbanks 

I do not think this issue can be reduced to individual people and their 

(Ich glaube nicht, dass man diese Sache auf persoenliche Meinungen 
reduzieren kann.)


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