On 8 Jul 2009, at 12:38, Frederik Ramm wrote:

> Hi,
> SteveC wrote:
>>> I'm glad we have settled that Creative Commons officially  
>>> suggested to
>>> us that we use CC0 for OpenStreetMap, rather than this just being a
>>> personal opinion of an individual as you seemed to suggest earlier.
>> Um, no, I don't think I've seen it. do you have a link?
> http://www.sciencecommons.org/resources/readingroom/comments-on-odbl

oh that, you confused me because you keep saying CC but it's actually  
SC, which has a very different mandate which you're trying to turn  
around to what CC does.

I too agree that science data that I pay my taxes for universities to  
produce should be in the public domain. Not sure how that applies to us.

> I hope that suffices to refresh any lost memory ;-)

I don't need to remember emails I wrote 18 months ago when I have an  
army of people out there trying to use them as proof of this or that.



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