Holla Jonay,

Le jeudi 10 avril 2014 22:32:00, Jonay Santana a écrit :
> Hello, Sylvain. I'm not very sure about what the problem is. I mean, what
> are you both disagreeing at?

He adds on boudary ways :
name:es = espana -- france
name:en = spain -- france
name:fr = espagne -- france

While other think we should either :
- add no name at all on boundary ways
- or at least don't use -- as separator

> And don't worry about your spanish, it would be great to read you in
> spanish besides an English version.

So sorry, but it was one year, 20 years ago without practice at all ;-(
google translate would be by far better than me ;-)

sly (sylvain letuffe)

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