Le mer. 22 janv. 2020 à 14:45, Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso <sanc...@gmail.com>
a écrit :

> Si nos vamos a la documentación de la wiki
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Relation:boundary
> Pone que los enclaves se hace en la misma relación y solucionado. No pone
> que se tengan que crear nuevas relaciones, subrelaciones y cosas parecidas.
> ¿Qué el "Enclave de Treviño" puede que se tenga que etiquetar de otra
> manera?

I did not invent that name, it was already present in OSM !

> Puede ser, ante la duda habra que hablarlo, pero eso no da razón para
> inventarse nombres y cosas nuevas si no existen.
> "Enclave de Treviño" Tiene representación especial dentro de España por
> algunos conflictos que han existido que no comparten otras zonas. Se puede
> ver en qué tiene pagina especial en la wikipedia por ejemplo. Habra que ver
> cómo poner este caso especial.

But it's still not a "comarca" under the meaning intended by other comarcas
in the two autonomous communities involved.

> Por favor deja de editar fronteras hasta que se llegue a un consenso.
> Estamos abiertos a escuchar sugerencias y ver cómo solucionar los
> diferentes problemas que surgen en las diferentes zonas de España. Pero no
> llegar e imponer criterios.

All those existing boundaries at admin_level 7 were added without any prior
consensus of tagging. In fact there's no tagging at all documented for
them. the Wiki OSM just indicates "comarca" is at level 7, but this was an
informal proposal, never discussed, and the link goes to Wikipedia where
they are also not documented and sorted properly (this also applies to
Wikidata where the classification is still not made as well, and commons
where maps and categories are all mixed with ambiguous names). Seriously,
this is not consistant "data" in the OSM meaning.

There's a need to start creating something consistant (this does not mean
removing what was made, just retagging properly and avoid conflicts of
interpretation). And there, nothing is documented. We must still start by
the "hard way" trying to disambiguate things to get at least one consistant
view and then retag the rest with temporary tags that can be rediscussed to
get more views.

OSM is all about that: someone starts the hard job to separate the
concepts, fill holes, find overlaps; this requires much efforts to prepare
the field (what I'm doing, while avoiding to create too much conflicts).
Then there's a cleanup and maintenance step that occurs until the existing
schema is found to be insufficient.

Because of these inconsistancies the admin_level 7 was found to be unusable
and unused in OSM for Spain. So much opendata about these comarcas still
cannot be imported and checked. Being coherent is a great thing as it
really helps integrating more items and developing new methods to be more
precise and solve ambiguities, and develop new usages of OSM data for
derived cartography (notably statistical maps, related to many other open
data or private data, with enough granularity that people can understand;
but with just communities, provinces and municipalities, this is
insufficient: there are hundreds of municipalities in provinces or
autonomous communities and no way to use significant grouping that matches
verifiable sources; so each one has to recreate its own comarcal
delimitation, frequently with errors/omissions/overlaps or different
meanings, and the statistics map and aggregated data are not comparable
with each other).

> No se a que llamas mapa en mayusculas "MAPA"

MAPA was refereing to the *correct* and common Spanish abbreviation for the
full name of the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food
("Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación") and I thought it was
implicit and wellknown to native Spanish users (like you?)

It's not the Spanish equivalent of "map" in English. The capitals were
correct in that case and really intended (and it would be a non-sense to
cite an unspecified anbd generic "mapa" as a source. The *lowercase* would
have been obviously wrong in the context I gave. And the sources in OSM
indicate the full Spanish name of the ministry, not this abbreviation I
used only in this talk thread.
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