I've previously found it valuable to have the ward boundaries in OSM, and
am responsible for all the Southwark (not Lambeth) ward boundaries, plus a
few Lambeth, Croydon and Bromley. Sometimes the misalignment of open data
and OSM data can lead to mistakes. It's not a big deal if they aren't in,
but I don't see any reason to say they *shouldn't* be.

If you're going to update them (great!) I think they work better as
relations using - where relevant - existing objects like roads where they
go down the middle of a road. Otherwise, again, things can get misaligned
and otherwise go wrong. So a straight import isn't as good an option as the
rather more painstaking manual approach.


m: 07866 447 075
w: http://tomchance.org

On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:46, Russ Garrett <r...@garrett.co.uk> wrote:

> My controversial opinion is that these shouldn't be in OSM.
> The definitive boundaries are freely available as open data in OS
> Boundary Line (although they won't usually appear there until after
> the boundaries take effect). The current UK-wide coverage of ward
> boundaries in OSM is pretty minimal, although it looks like most of
> the old Lambeth wards are in OSM:
> http://overpass-turbo.eu/?q=W291dDpqc29uXVt0aW1lxIHEgzI1XTsKKAogIG53clsiYsSBbmRhcnkiPSJwb2xpxItjYWwixInEqMSqxKxpxK5sX2RpdmlzacSHxKYid8SjZMSxKHt7YsSfeH19KcSUxY8KxI8gxJ9kecSUPsSUxZNza2VsIHF0Ow&c=BJp6-ioHTL
> As someone who uses this boundary data relatively frequently, there's
> no reason why I should use OSM when the data is incomplete, and
> boundaries in OSM may have been altered (accidentally or otherwise).
> They're not surveyable, the data is freely available elsewhere - I
> don't see why it's worth spending our time making sure it's replicated
> in OSM.
> Cheers,
> Russ
> On Wed, 16 Feb 2022 at 11:27, David Davis via Talk-gb-london
> <talk-gb-london@openstreetmap.org> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> > a complete revamp of the electoral wards in Lambeth borough comes into
> effect in May 2022, with 25 new wards.
> > (See
> https://love.lambeth.gov.uk/a-new-political-map-for-the-2022-lambeth-borough-council-elections/
> for info).
> >
> > I'm guessing the boundaries are available as open data,
> > and some bright spark on this list will know how to import it into OSM
> in a hugely more efficient way that me trying to manually draw and tag the
> new boundaries...?
> > (Amusingly, on the map on Lambeth Council's page about it, someone
> literally has just drawn the boundaries by hand on top of a screengrab from
> OSM!)
> >
> > Anyone interested this task?
> >
> > (A few of the existing Lambeth wards were tagged on OSM already, but the
> majority actually weren't. But every existing ward boundary is changing in
> any case...)
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> --
> Russ Garrett
> r...@garrett.co.uk
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