Thanks for the comments, Ed and David.  I have corrected the tag for the
playground and added the 30mph zone, so I think within the village, it is
(at least Stage 1) complete.


 On Tue 20/10/09 11:13 , "Ed Loach" sent:
 > the road still doesn't seem to be rendered; perhaps it 
 > will be by the time you read this, 

 It is.

 > David - can you define the extent of information that 
 > needs to be included, to 'complete the county'? 

 I would be interested in the answer to the above too. The villages I
visited the other day I was concentrating on roads, pubs, schools,
churches, postboxes, telephones, and non-national speed limits. There was
no hope of me getting to house number level in the time available.
Similarly while I've noted where one or two footpaths branch off, I've not
noted them all. I also wasn't sure that highway=byway was the right tag at
the time I used it, and haven't checked since (a lane became a byway at
one point). I was hoping that maybe the county could offer you their
traces of footpaths, if they have them?

 > I haven't uploaded the locations of the 30mph speed 
 > restrictions, but could do.

 I did this for the villages I surveyed by splitting the road and adding
the maxspeed tag within the village area. 

 > I think the most important omission was that Lark Bank 
 > looks (on the OS Landranger) as if it probably connects to 
 > West Row 10km away, at least via tracks, although it also 
 > looks as if that enters Suffolk shortly after I turned round.

 There was one lane that I followed until it got to a gate, turned into a
track in a field, and had a roadsign indicating no motor vehicles between
1st October and 30th April except motorcycles. No idea where that went...

 > I notice that the Village Hall, playground and two Anglian 
 > Water treatment works I recorded don't seem to be rendered 
 > on the map. Have I tagged incorrectly?

 Not all renderers render all information. The Village Hall I think looks
OK, so am surprised that at least the name doesn't show; the sports club
tagged similarly (though as area rather than node) renders the name. The
playground I think should be leisure= rather than amenity= (but haven't
changed it)
 Not sure whether that will render as a node either way, though.
 man_made=wastewater_plant looks correct as well, so probably just not
rendered on Mapnik (something renders on Osmarender it seems)

 So the tagging looks OK except perhaps playground.



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