On 31/12/2010 11:24, Richard Moss wrote:
So the first question is: do we leave the line of the old railway
where is is on OSM (traced from NPE around here), and put in a new
separate line for the guided busway where it deviates

That seems reasonable to me, as old railways are marked elsewhere. I assume you think this is a genuine deviation, not an inaccuracy.

So: single way, or dual?  I'd be comfortable with either.

I'd go with single. Yes it is two way, but the construction is more like a single unit. Except if the parts separate, then I'd do it as two ways.

I also have a vested interest here. I'm producing a map of the area for the County Council. The less dramatic change there is in the conventions we use the better - it makes it really hard to chase a moving target.

The spur that goes down through Orchard Park, and joins up with
Histon Road is a slightly different case, because most of it isn't
guided.  It's just buses running on concrete paths.

I think this could either be highway=bus_guideway, or highway=unclassified with access=no, psv=yes. It is still somewhat specialized over an ordinary road, so my preference would be guideway.

The same applies I think on the Addenbrookes approach on the southern section IIRC.

BUT, the section between the station and the back of CUP definitely IS an ordinary road, albeit restricted access. The guideway proper starts just beyond the access under construction to the Kaleidescope site (where the round sign is in this picture: http://www.camcycle.org.uk/newsletters/93/images/cover.jpg )

And a final question.  OSM is all about what's on the ground.  What's
on the ground is a busway, not a construction site.  There is a
dispute about whether it's fit for purpose, which will probably
rumble on for years, so at what point do we change it from
construction site to busway?

I see someone has already removed the construction status from the southern section! Jumping the gun rather.

But I think the logjam will be broken soon. The position is this: the southern section will be "completed" by contractors on Jan 17. At that point they have one month to fix notified defects. The county is expecting them to refuse. After that contractually the County can take over the busway and fix the defects themselves. They have already lined up a contractor to do this, and will start in mid February (including surfacing the cycleway, which was always intended to be done separately). They then expect the busway to open probably in April.

The legal dispute will be resolved in the courts over years, but it won't stop the busway operating. The contractors can't block things contractually once the southern section completion is reached.

So short answer: April.

The southern section will continue to change for years to come as Clay Farm is constructed around it - new links will be created and new roads appear crossing it. Actually that's true of Northstowe as well, but that seems very stalled at present.

BTW: are there any bike racks now at the Fen Drayton Lakes nature reserve stop?


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