I've been tagging concrete beams as highway=bus_guideway, single track
concrete beams as highway=bus_guideway lanes=1 and sections of *road*
as highway=unclassified access=no psv:guided=yes. Both single- and
double-track sections I would draw as a single way. I'd just remove
the construction=* tag from the northern section between Milton Road
and Impington or perhaps Longstanton ... I don't think the busway's
moved too far off the original alignment of the railway; I'm not sure
about further St Ives-ward. Orchard Park has one-way sections at the
Histon Road end but where the 'busway' sections join together east of
Iceni Way, I'd tag it as highway=bus_guideway.

On 31 December 2010 12:12, David Earl <da...@frankieandshadow.com> wrote:
> On 31/12/2010 11:24, Richard Moss wrote:
>> So the first question is: do we leave the line of the old railway
>> where is is on OSM (traced from NPE around here), and put in a new
>> separate line for the guided busway where it deviates
> That seems reasonable to me, as old railways are marked elsewhere. I assume
> you think this is a genuine deviation, not an inaccuracy.
>> So: single way, or dual?  I'd be comfortable with either.
> I'd go with single. Yes it is two way, but the construction is more like a
> single unit. Except if the parts separate, then I'd do it as two ways.
> I also have a vested interest here. I'm producing a map of the area for the
> County Council. The less dramatic change there is in the conventions we use
> the better - it makes it really hard to chase a moving target.
>> The spur that goes down through Orchard Park, and joins up with
>> Histon Road is a slightly different case, because most of it isn't
>> guided.  It's just buses running on concrete paths.
> I think this could either be highway=bus_guideway, or highway=unclassified
> with access=no, psv=yes. It is still somewhat specialized over an ordinary
> road, so my preference would be guideway.
> The same applies I think on the Addenbrookes approach on the southern
> section IIRC.
> BUT, the section between the station and the back of CUP definitely IS an
> ordinary road, albeit restricted access. The guideway proper starts just
> beyond the access under construction to the Kaleidescope site (where the
> round sign is in this picture:
> http://www.camcycle.org.uk/newsletters/93/images/cover.jpg )
>> And a final question.  OSM is all about what's on the ground.  What's
>> on the ground is a busway, not a construction site.  There is a
>> dispute about whether it's fit for purpose, which will probably
>> rumble on for years, so at what point do we change it from
>> construction site to busway?
> I see someone has already removed the construction status from the southern
> section! Jumping the gun rather.
> But I think the logjam will be broken soon. The position is this: the
> southern section will be "completed" by contractors on Jan 17. At that point
> they have one month to fix notified defects. The county is expecting them to
> refuse. After that contractually the County can take over the busway and fix
> the defects themselves. They have already lined up a contractor to do this,
> and will start in mid February (including surfacing the cycleway, which was
> always intended to be done separately). They then expect the busway to open
> probably in April.
> The legal dispute will be resolved in the courts over years, but it won't
> stop the busway operating. The contractors can't block things contractually
> once the southern section completion is reached.
> So short answer: April.
> The southern section will continue to change for years to come as Clay Farm
> is constructed around it - new links will be created and new roads appear
> crossing it. Actually that's true of Northstowe as well, but that seems very
> stalled at present.
> BTW: are there any bike racks now at the Fen Drayton Lakes nature reserve
> stop?
> David
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