Hi list,

On Saturday, the wife & I went to have a look at a local (Stoke on  
Trent) "fun day", and got talking to the guy at the Sustrans stand,  
largely because I started looking at his maps. I'm not a cyclist, so I  
don't know a great deal about Sustrans, but I get the impression that  
there are quite a few cyclists in OSM's ranks.

It seems to me that Sustrans could benefit greatly from OSM (I know  
someone has already produced a cycle map), but the man we spoke to had  
never heard of OSM, and I got the distinct impression that he thought  
we were a bit mad! He did understand the value of mapping data, as  
opposed to maps, but he seemed to be pinning all his hopes on  
persuading the OS to make their data available (so much so that I  
started to wonder if that's something Sustrans is actively working on).

So, I just thought I'd ask - do we have any contacts at Sustrans? If  
not, would it be worth trying to get some? The person we spoke to  
doesn't have a GPS, but the Foundation has some for loan. I know they  
were bought with the intention of loaning them at mapping parties, but  
would it be worth also loaning them to Sustrans people? Could we use  
Sustrans to advertise mapping parties, and get more people that way?

Any thoughts?


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