Tim Dobson wrote:

> Perhaps the people who are nearish the top of OSM, and I feel sheepish
> that I don't really know who I'm talking about, might like to put  
> out a
> pressrelease or press statement about how OSM is helping "put *real*
> maps back on the internet" and allow cool mashups etc.

I'm OSMF press person until the weekend. From what I can tell Mary  
(who, incidentally, taught me everything I know about cartography :) )  
actually mentioned OSM in her address:


"Projects such as Open Street Map, through which thousands of Britons  
have contributed their local knowledge to map pubs, landmarks and even  
post boxes online, are the first step in the fight back against  
'corporate blankwash', she added."

Which is smashing, but also suggests to me that most of the newspapers  
have chosen not to mention us... this time.

trying not to get too annoyed with the glib enthusiasm of Adrian Miles  
on the BBC interview

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