Steve wrote:

> I was under the impression that the local authorities generally
> used an OS
> base map, so their own data may well be derived from the OS
> data.

A few years ago now (5 or 6) the bungalow next door was knocked down
and two put on the plot in it's place. After they were built, an OS
surveyor knocked on our door to ask permission to survey the new
properties relative to ours (to give him the known fixed points on
their existing data), which he surveyed entering the information
straight onto a touch screen device and could presumably have been
uploaded directly to the OS database if it had some sort of mobile
data connection.

I'm not sure this project currently supports that kind of accuracy,
though perhaps if accurate GPS devices (there was something on TV
about a harvester which drives itself to within 1 inch accuracy),
and/or low level aerial photography become widely available we could
aim towards it.

I suspect for some users this accuracy is probably important.


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