Gregory Williams wrote:

> I'll be cycling most of NCR1 this summer as part of a round Britain  
> cycle trip :-). So there will be only very short sections unmapped  
> after that (if any). I'll also be covering some of the other  
> unmapped NCN routes for parts of my trip.

Wow, sounds excellent. Let us know your itinerary when you know it so  
the rest of us can plan our 2009 explorations accordingly!

If you're going through South Wales, it might be more fruitful from a  
mapping point of view to follow NCN47 (largely unmapped) from  
Carmarthen to Llanelli. And I'd recommend NCN47 from Fishguard to  
Carmarthen, even though it's fully mapped: the journey over the  
Preseli Hills is much more enjoyable IMO than the coastal route.


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