2009/2/14 Andrew Chadwick (mailing lists) <andrewc-email-li...@piffle.org>:
> I'm uploading (to http://wrp.geothings.net/ ) a bunch of large-scale
> maps found in a drawer by University Estates Directorate staff who very
> kindly let me use their scanner to make digital copies after checking
> their copyright status to a first approximation. I'll probably need some
> helpers for the tedious business of rectifying later on, will update on
> talk-gb for that.

I've begun rectifying some of them by eye, but it really should be
possible to transform them, since they are maps with a grid in a known
projection (OSGB36, I assume)..
All we theoretically need to do is map the image pixels to OSGB refs,
then let a tool rectify them to whatever projection we want.

Thomas Wood

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