Thomas Wood wrote:
> I've begun rectifying some of them by eye, but it really should be
> possible to transform them, since they are maps with a grid in a known
> projection (OSGB36, I assume)..
> All we theoretically need to do is map the image pixels to OSGB refs,
> then let a tool rectify them to whatever projection we want.

Thanks for that - I made a little Perl script for doing the four 
corners, , so all I'd have to do is 
manually locate the corresponding corners on the original. Using 
Geo::Coordinates::OSTN02 should make that as accurate as possible.

The 1km square images are so big I'm having to crop and shrink them into 
(NW, NE, SW, SE) quarters and upload them separately. Feed in a 4-figure 
square ref like "SP5206" and it'll spit out the WGS84 (GPS) coordinates 
of the four points at the corners for each one of these slices. Hope 
that makes sense!

I really wish warper allowed you to stitch multiple uploads from the 
same source together into a scrollable, WMSable whole by tag or somesuch.

Andrew Chadwick

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