2009/3/23 Andrew Chadwick (email lists) <andrewc-email-li...@piffle.org>:
> Richard Mann wrote:

> Ways in OSM - at least as I've been told - are assumed to include any
> pavements/cycleways there may be to the side of the road (both in-lane
> and on-sidewalk), but not more segregated stuff. At least that's the
> pattern I've been using.
> (I wonder if there's such a thing as =discouraged...)

Hmm http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Verifiability

For example you "can't" legally cycle through the Medway Tunnel but I
know lots of people who do. I read tagging guide lines to be what you
you can do with out breaking the local law (given you have the correct
licenses) / what is possible / what is there.

If there is a lane for bikes and a lane for people tag it as such, if
its shared then tag it differently. If there is a tree between the two
its in theory two ways but I don't think you'll find this that often.

What about a gate (for bikes) with a style right next to it (for walkers).



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