Peter wrote:

> Any suggestion on what we should recommend for the UK? 

Either of:
maxspeed=30mph (the user should strip a trailing mph to find the
maxspeed=30 mph (the user should strip the last word if it is mph
including the space)

The maplint validation uses a regular expression which validates
either as OK.

maxspeed=48.28 (with a defined precision) For metric use no work by
the user, for imperial use a look-up table is required or a
conversion and rounding
No. As you can see there are so many arbitrary conversions in the
figures you quoted and the best to use would be those signposted for
foreign drivers at ports (which round to 5km/h, downwards I think).
I think those are also in the highway code somewhere. But if we did
this you wouldn't know whether maxspeed=50 was for mph or km/h.

The wiki page for the maxspeed tag says (or did the last time I
looked) that the default units are km/h, but other units should be
stated explicitly. It used to say it had to be a number in km/h
which has led to the mess of tagging in the UK which was ignored by
the majority anyway (perhaps they don't read the wiki?) and added
mph anyway.

I'll admit that I also sometimes use maxspeed=national as there was
some talk of the government redefining these limits from their
current 70/60/30 values to reduce road fatalities, and if that were
to happen I'd hate to have to go around trying to find out which
roads tagged as 60 needed changing to 50. I didn't realise others
were using variations on NSL/nsl

I'll confess now that I helped with the maplint validation changes
to support the already widely used mph suffix. I think the imperial
heights/widths/lengths of 12'0" format is still an ongoing task
(since last October), as it doesn't fall into the "Number with
optional Unit" standard test format of a number followed by one of a
list of units. Map Features links the "NumWithUnit" types (currently
lengths/widths/heights/speeds) to this page:


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