Ed Avis wrote:
> Mike <osm-talk...@...> writes:
>> I've been looking at the Dracos postbox list
>> http://www.dracos.co.uk/play/locating-postboxes/
> I have recently started work on importing this,
> see <http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Dracos_import>.
> So far I have just done the E10 and E17 postcodes near where I live.
> After a bit of consultation I will start importing the rest of the country.
Please don't import the Draco database into OSM.  The quality is very 
dubious in places.  The original FoIA data that it is based on is very, 
very general.  They have to be surveyed on the ground to confirm that 
they are even within 200m.

I want OSM to be the best map in the world - we'll never get that by 
importing other people's junk.

Cheers, Chris

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