Andy Allan wrote:

That's really "UK Urban Mapping Priorities" though, isn't it? 
Personally I'd rather know which rural pubs were still open* around the 
towns concerned than the full map of all of the backstreets.

I suspect that the problem is that the places on this list tend not to 
be places that you'd actively choose to visit in summer.  I live not far 
from Mansfield, so taking that as an example (to avoid being 
disrespectful to anyone else's home town!), it isn't somewhere that 
you'd normally go to unless you absolutely had to.

Looking at who's been there in ITO's OSM Mapper and based on list / IRC 
comments I suspect that much of the work there has been done remotely 
(e.g. streets that are known not to have changed from the NPE era have 
been traced and named using NAPTAN information).  Maybe (for the 
Mansfields of this world) a way to build on that would just be to try 
and get more GPS traces first?  There are lots of bus stops in Mansfield 
Woodhouse that could be used to name streets if where the streets 
actually went was recorded.

* OS paper maps are out of date as soon as they're printed, and they're 
not updated that often.  Google Maps seem to have done uploads from all 
sorts of places including Wikipedia - in addition to the "dummy" 
(ex-Navteq?) data they list villages that don't exist and in the wrong 
place and pubs that have never existed.

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