On Wed, Feb 17, 2010 at 2:06 PM, Someoneelse
<li...@mail.atownsend.org.uk> wrote:
> Andy Allan wrote:
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UK_Mapping_Priorities
>> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/UK_Mapping_Secondary_Priorities
> That's really "UK Urban Mapping Priorities" though, isn't it? Personally I'd
> rather know which rural pubs were still open* around the towns concerned
> than the full map of all of the backstreets.

Yep, I know how you feel. But urban areas have quite a few advantages:

* Big results for small effort. There's many things close together
that can be easily mapped. Not only street networks, but pubs too
* Lots of people. Since we're trying to attract more people, urban
areas are a good place to find them in a high density
* Bang for buck on filling in the map. Given that most people live in
urban areas, they are the first places people check to see how the
project is doing

and as for mapping parties
* Can be easily got to. There's usually a big train station, or they
are near a major road
* Can be mapped on foot
* Enough things close to the venue to keep 20 people occupied, without
having to go on day-long expeditions

So that's why the priorities list is currently a lot of urban areas. I
think that's a good thing.

> I suspect that the problem is that the places on this list tend not to be
> places that you'd actively choose to visit in summer. [...] Maybe (for the 
> Mansfields of this
> world) a way to build on that would just be to try and get more GPS traces
> first?

I know that not every part of the UK is like a nice little village in
the Cotswolds, but I don't really see a big problem in mapping these
places. I'd reckon that for every grotty part of a big town there are
5 others just as grotty that someone has mapped already. And tackling
them as part of a Saturday afternoon mapping party lets provides good
stories for the gatherings rather than being 10 evenings of slogging
around for someone on their own. So it's best we just roll up our
sleeves and get on with it.

Now on the topic of non-urban mapping priorities, what would you have
as, say, your top 3 places where improving what we have already would
be a priority to you?


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