WHy excluding Medway? Isn't KCC HQ in Chatham?

On Feb 26, 2010, at 11:54 AM, Colin Smale wrote:

> I applied to KCC for permission to use data from their Highways Gazetteer in 
> OSM. They have approved on the condition that the data is attributed to them. 
> My request and their official reply are below. What this gives us is an 
> authorititave source for road numbering and classification in Kent (excluding 
> Medway), although it does require a little bit of thinking as there are no 
> coordinates, only road and place names. So for example we take Whitehill Road 
> and Highcross Road between Longfield and Bean [1] the Gazetteer makes clear 
> that these roads are still officially the B255, even though the signs have 
> not revealed this for years. For the attribution they require I intend to use 
> source:ref=kent.gov.uk.
> Which brings me to a dilemma: If a road is ostensibly one type but officially 
> another, how should this be tagged? Both are "verifiable." Traditionally the 
> official classification takes precedence - otherwise the single-track A-roads 
> in the Scottish highlands and islands might better be tagged as as "track" in 
> some cases... The Wiki [2] specifically refers to the Administrative 
> classifications.
> Another use of this Gazetteer is to arbitrate between road classes, 
> particularly between tertiary (i.e. C-roads) and unclassified, where there is 
> mostly no visible difference "on the ground". That throws up the odd anomaly 
> as well: New Ash Green [3] got its very own bypass in the seventies, which is 
> single carriageway but very wide. The much smaller original "main road" which 
> goes through the village still retains the "C" classification, and the 
> relatively enormous bypass is still "unclassified".
> It occurred to the cynic in me that the lengths of roads of various classes 
> might be fed into some spreadsheet in Whitehall to calculate some kind of 
> grant to the local councils, giving them an interest in keeping the 
> administrative classifications as "high" as possible, despite downgrading 
> them on the ground. But that's unlikely to be true of course.
> Colin Smale
> [1] 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.40868&lon=0.2965&zoom=15&layers=B000FTF
> [2] http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Map_Features#Highway
> [3] 
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=51.3665&lon=0.30171&zoom=15&layers=B000FTF
> =========================
> Dear Sirs,
> I am one of an army of volunteers who collectively are producing and 
> maintaining "openstreetmap.org" ( http://www.openstreetmap.org/ ), a 
> crowd-sourced map of the world under the CC-BY-SA (Creative Commons by
> Share-Alike) licence ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ ), with 
> which you may be familiar.
> Having found the KCC Highways Gazetteer, I would like to request your 
> permission to use and republish certain information contained in this 
> document by incorporating it in OpenStreetMap.
> One of the problems we frequently face is that the official category of a 
> road (or segment thereof) is not always immediately obvious "on the ground". 
> I would like to use this document to classify (minor) roads correctly as (for 
> example distinguishing between "unclassified" and "tertiary"), add the 
> official road number, and possibly its status as a private (unadopted) 
> street. The Highways Gazetteer contains no location information (other than 
> place names) and therefore is probably unencumbered by Ordnance Survey 
> restrictions, which would render the data unusable in the CC-BY-SA licence 
> model. The alignment of the road will still be surveyed "on the ground", but 
> thereafter the Gazetteer will be used to classify the road correctly as 
> mentioned.
> Yours sincerely, 
> Colin Smale
> =========================
> Dear Mr Smale, 
> Further to your request for information relating to re-use of information 
> from the Kent Highways Gazetteer, because the information you have requested 
> falls under the scope of the Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) and is 
> information held within the Environment, Highways & Waste Directorate (the 
> directorate), your request has been forwarded to me so that I can co-ordinate 
> the response on behalf of the directorate. This is to comply with procedures 
> that the County Council has for dealing with all FoIA requests.
> You ask the Council:
>       • Having found the KCC Highways Gazetteer, I would like to request your 
> permission to use and republish certain information contained in this 
> document by incorporating it in OpenStreetMap
> Although the response below has been sent from me, I have liaised with Kent 
> Highway Services who have provided the following in answer to your request:
> Kent County Council are willing to allow the information in the Highway 
> Gazetteer to be used for the purpose of Open Street Map on the proviso that 
> we receive confirmation that the data source is kent.gov.uk.
> =========================
> On 03/01/2010 12:36, Colin Smale wrote:
>> While searching the internet for arbitration in a case where "local 
>> wisdom" appeared to conflict with OSM data I came across the Kent County 
>> Council Highways Gazetteer. It contains a "complete" list of roads in 
>> Kent, including their reference, road number, name, official 
>> classification, parish and length.
>> It's a PDF file, linked from here:
>> http://www.kent.gov.uk/roads_and_transport/transport_policies/road_status/adopted_and_private_streets.aspx
>> I would like to use this document to classify minor roads correctly as 
>> "unclassified" or "tertiary", add the official road number, at least to 
>> the "tertiary" roads, i.e. C-roads, and possibly "access=permissive" 
>> where the road is a privately maintained road (assuming unhindered 
>> access etc. as described on the Wiki).
>> There is no sign of any OS-encumbrances; there is no real location 
>> information in the file. The KCC (together with district councils I 
>> assume) can be considered a fairly authoritative source for this 
>> information.
>> Would it be OK to derive tagging in this way? Should we get explicit 
>> permission from KCC first? Anyone got any experience with this, or 
>> example emails for this kind of request?
>> Colin
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