
So sorry to hear that you only walk in good weather. Approx. 240 km of walking with GPS receiver so far this year .... ;-) ...

but of course you are right in saying that field boundaries near paths (whether or not PROWs) are the most important. My point was simply that OSM is unlikely ever to be able to match OS on field boundaries (although admittedly even auntie OS is often years out of date on these).


On 11/04/2010 02:51, Dave F. wrote:
Mike Harris wrote:
The lack of public right of way information is disappointing - but it is within OSM's capabilities to walk and map it. However, the lack of field boundary information is a serious deficiency as these are invaluable in practice to walkers attempting to plan, navigate, record and publish walks - especially in the more lowland and more farmed areas. Without the OS's right to enter onto private land without any advance permission, OSM mappers will remain seriously hampered in any attempt to map field boundaries. Hedges may be visible in good quality satellite or aerial photography but fences (and especially electric fences) will be very difficult.

I agree field boundaries are valuable for walkers, but only those abutting or near PROWS are relevant & these are obviously obtainable by walking there. Spring is in the air, put your boots on a go walking!

Dave F.

*/Mike Harris/*
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