On Sun, 2010-04-11 at 07:13 +0100, Lester Caine wrote:
> The other activity around here is 'aerial', such as microlight and hot
> air 
> ballooning, and in those cases CHANGES to fied boundaries - which
> these days are 
> not as stable as even OS would seem to imply - are something that
> would be very 
> useful to be able to maintain. 

I'm willing to bet that for some areas, the historic maps would provide
a very good starting point for field boundaries. Places like the
Yorkshire Dales have most of the fields bounded by historic dry stone
walls, which don't change very much, and mostly they disappear as they
fall down or are removed (much easier than building!).

What's the feeling on adding data with the knowledge that it may be out
of date? It would be much simpler for walkers to remove boundaries that
are no longer there, or correct small inaccuracies, than dry to add them
from a gps trace.


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