OK. Thanks for the correction. I guess after that hullabaloo down South settles down, the thing to do is to get my local friendly MP to table a question on this and see where that leads. you'd hope it'd be a fairly open door, as it should not need the underlying mapping released and public scrutiny of definitive ways is essential under the current legislation. I'll pop a question to the Ramblers and see where they have got to.


Tom Hughes wrote on 11/05/2010 11:29:
On 11/05/10 11:22, Ian Spencer wrote:

I presume that the definitive map is a public document that should be
freely available. (???!!!)

You assume wrongly. Well sort of - you have a right to inspect it but that doesn't mean you have a right to copy things from it.

The main problem is that definitive maps are drawn over OS maps and are therefore considered (by OS at least) to be derived from their mapping and hence local authorities are unable to give permission to copy from them even if they wanted to.

The issue of OS derived data is supposed to be getting cleared up, but for now it is still a problem.

I know local authorities are responsible for the definitive maps in
their areas. Is it practical to contact the LAs and get definitive maps
in electronic form, or is there a central source (knowing that OS have
not released this). If there is a problem, is there an opportunity to
work with the Ramblers Assoc to get definitive way mapping released?

I suspect in most cases the definitive version of the definitive map is on paper so getting hold of the data electronically may be hard/impossible. That's not to say that the data may not be in the council's GIS system but simply that if you exercise your right to view it then you're likely to be shown a paper version.


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