Peter Miller <> writes:

>We have created a map layer for Potlatch showing OS Locator names  
>which are not in the nearby OSM data in a nice visual way.

>Note our proposed 'not:name' tag for suppressing errors in OS Locator  

I have sometimes used incorrect_name for noting mistakes in street names.
The intention was that if somebody tagged it wrongly, it's likely that
somebody could also do a search for the incorrect name.  OSM search engines
might want to use incorrect_name for a 'did you mean...' suggestion.

It might be useful to distinguish slight spelling mistakes (such as the
"Arthurs Close" mentioned) against cases where OS has a totally different
name for the same bit of street.  For variant spellings, there is no harm
in adding  them all as incorrect_name, alt_name or whatever.  But I would
not want an OSM search engine to pick up names which are known to be quite 

Ed Avis <>

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