On 31 May 2010, at 12:00, Robert Scott wrote:

> On Monday 31 May 2010, Peter Miller wrote:
>> We have created a map layer for Potlatch showing OS Locator names
>> which are not in the nearby OSM data in a nice visual way.
>> Details in our blog post of the subject.
>> http://itoworld.blogspot.com/2010/05/os-locator-validation-mapping-for-uk.html
>> To access the tiles paste the following into the custom layer box in
>> Potlatch (or similar in JOSM).
>> http://tiles.itoworld.com/os_locator/!/!/!.png
>> Note our proposed 'not:name' tag for suppressing errors in OS Locator
>> data. This could be extended to 'not:ref' and 'not:access' etc etc. I
>> hope there is not another convention for blocking tag values that we
>> have overlooked. If there is we will of course adjust our code to
>> accommodate it.
>> there is a 48 hour delay until new data appears on the tiles. Ie,
>> monday edits will appear on wednesday etc.
> Oh.
> I've been working on something quite similar, only more  
> openstreetbugs-inspired and openlayers-based using my musical chairs  
> results.

I saw that. Very nice and it seems that in this case a bunch of people  
started working on the same problem at almost the same time. It is  
certainly good to have lots of tools and people trying out all sorts  
of analysis. Plenty more to do!

For the record ITO intend to produce some more analysis map views over  
the next few weeks. We have one in preparation to help improve routing  
data where the junctions (nodes) are coloured according to the number  
of links connected to them (their 'valency') and the links will be  
coloured to indicate various classifications and common errors. This  
view was requested by CycleStreets some time ago. We expect to offer  
this one with global coverage but may roll it out in stages to see how  
the servers hold up. A number of other views are also being developed  
although I am not clear about the timeline yet.

We are also really keen to get OSM Mapper updating in under 12 hours  
again as it did in the old days when the DB was much smaller. We have  
sped it up a number of times only to see the DB grow in size again.


Peter Miller
ITO World Ltd

> robert.
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