From: "Steve Doerr" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2010 3:08 PM

> Looking forward to testing this, but having some problems with the
> prerequisites. I've installed this 'Python' thing (version 2.6) and the
> shapely library, but the NumPy install is failing with a message 'Python
> version 2.6 required, which was not found in the registry'. I'm guessing
> that it may be because NumPy is a 32-bit build (I downloaded it from
> <>)
> whereas Python is 64-bit.
> So, do I reinstall Python as 32-bit, or is there a 64-bit version of NumPy
> around?

With Tim's help, I was able to locate and install 64-bit versions of 

With an adapted version of the command given in the README file, I have been 
able to process the TQ67SW tile to produce a 4.75MB .osm file. I haven't 
loaded it into JOSM yet, but I'm looking forward to seeing the results.

It took a little over 7 hours to run, by the way.


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