On Tue, Jun 8, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Robert Whittaker (OSM)
<robert.whittaker+...@gmail.com> wrote:


> Maybe we should also start a
> campaign to ask them to dual license under ODbL+DbCL as well as
> CC-By...

Right, there's no way we can ever discuss this licensing without
getting one thing clear. The OS OpenData license is not CC-By 3.0 .
It's not any kind of creative commons license. I would advise anyone
who (mistakenly) thinks it is CC-BY to read the following licenses:


Notice how they involve different words in a different order. Notice
also that one contains the phrase "database rights" and the other does
not. The differences are significant in our context.

So please, if anyone is going to make any comment on whether or not we
can use data licensed under the OS OpenData license lets please have
an accurate discussion based on the actual OS OpenData license.


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