Andy Allan <gravitystorm@...> writes:

>>This started over Xmas I decided to experimented using Potlatch 2, OS Open
>>Data and Bing aerial to map a completely unmapped town (Lakenheath) to OSM
>>as far as I could without visting the place.

>I've just checked a few well-mapped areas - Tendring, Hull and
>Edinburgh - and the not:name is running at 2%, 3.1% and 1.9% of all
>the roads. So for every 100 roads you've added, you could be adding 1
>to 3 bogus names

Just a quick data point - from my experience in London visiting streets to
check the name mismatches between OSM and OS Locator, the ratio of mistakes is
about ten to one in favour of OS Locator.  In other words when the two
disagree, it is almost always OSM which has been wrong on the ground.  (Today,
after cleanup work, the OSM names are more correct.)  This is without counting
obvious misspellings such as 'Stret' instead of 'Street', which don't need a
resurvey to correct them.  (They are plentiful in OSM but somewhat rare in
OS Locator.)

>Come back when the problem is "I've spent a day out
>mapping and X could make me work faster".

I think this is exactly the situation.  In my experience, using the OS data is
both faster and more accurate than manual surveying, and I have done a great
deal of both.

Ed Avis <>

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