On 03/02/2011 15:24, Peter Miller wrote:

Or do both? Surely the guys at the Royal Commission on Ancient Monuments are not about to head out on bikes to survey the area. What they will do, possibly, is get the boundary correct and put names on the buildings but not until the road network is in place or it will look a bit stupid?

None of this is telling me that a bot should not exist. It is saying that it won't be welcome everywhere and won't be used by everyone.




You mis-represent my point.

I am not for a moment suggesting that the RCAHMW will do any mapping: they already have a substantial job in stringent financial times. SImilarly, with other organisations. However, we could devote resources to a bot, or we could work at contacting people who may have lots of knowledge and enthusiasm about places which we have, as yet, not mapped in detail. Some of the contacts might yield new mappers, others new resources, others might be a way to get a mapping party off the ground, or just to validate the maps we have. What they have in common is that they involve speaking Welsh or English (or in Brechfa perhaps a bit of Basque) rather than python or perl.

Sure as hell, we won't get on the ground engagement if we appear to be OpenSaisMap.

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