The question of adding redundant data to OSM is something that needs to be
addressed more generally.  You are right that putting information in a
denormalized form can make life easier for a user of the data.

I'd like to see a way that the user could download OSM-style data with objects
and tags but without all of that data needing to be stored in OSM itself.
An additional layer would enhance the download with 'virtual tags' which are
derived automatically from OSM and external data sources.  This might also take
care of some other controversies such as whether a speed limit should be tagged
on every way (easy for users, but crufts up the database) or implied by the type
of the way and which country it's in (such rules would best be documented
in code rather than informally).

But that's blue-sky dreaming.  In the meantime if you feel that adding the extra
tags to every tree is the simplest way, it's your call.

Ed Avis <>

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