You can find out from the same place that OS finds out - the Local Authority.

I don't think they're generally signed (any more than any other minor
public road), it's just that they're passable, there's no "Private
Keep Out" signs, and the Highways team has a note that they've got
responsibility for them (not that they'll actually do anything to them
if they can help it).


On Wed, Mar 23, 2011 at 11:46 AM, SomeoneElse
<> wrote:
> On 23/03/2011 11:18, Dave F. wrote:
> Hi
> I've noticed a couple few ways being tagged with designation= Other Route
> with Public Access (or just ORPA)
> I've never heard of that as a legal designation (of an England / Wales right
> of way) or seen such a sign.  If I saw it on a way in OSM I'd just interpret
> it as "not designated".  According to the JXAPI, there are none near me, so
> I'm not likely to encounter one.
> FWIW GB "tagwatch" reckons 11 "Other Route with Public Access" and 46
> "ORPA".  Is it just just one or two mappers?  If so, I'd ask them what they
> meant.
> Cheers,
> Andy
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