So the result of all the discussion about a proposal to develop and deploy a
bot which failed to get near  to a  consensus, let alone agreement is
........ to develop and deploy a bot.   The discussion has ignored the basic
problem of not having enough mappers on the ground collecting data - so we
are back to having a quick technical fix, using other people's data, which
threatens to perpetuate us as a closed group of geeks. Rather than write a
bot could the technically adept do some analysis of user behaviour in the UK
 ( e.g users who were prolific and gave up  mapping, by length of time ago
they ceased mapping) so we can start targetting them with email contact to
try and find out why they started, why they gave up, what they liked, what
they didn't like, how we can encourage them to start again and so on.
Also, we have an image of the week on the main map - why can't we have
mapper of the week ( or month)  for the UK to recognise great mapping
endeavour - or indeed a whole host of "awards". Currently there's no way of
recognising someone's efforts and I guess it can get pretty difficult to
keep motivated if there's no active OSM social scene nearby.  Let's start
getting creative about solving the basic problem!


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