> All this from a quick look at my village. We cannot rely on this
> without a survey.

Near here I zoomed in on the ways that are in VMD and not OSM. We
have footways along the seafront where the black lines are (not
worked out what type that is in VMD - perhaps I need to look at the
VMD layer for a colour code). There is also a black line in the
middle of the area which I'm sure isn't a way. We have a footpath
following part of it, so perhaps a farm tack. I'll need to resurvey
to be sure though.

It isn't just the roads layer which is a bit dubious. I was looking
at one of the other layers (I forget which now) which marks nodes
for points of interest (perhaps churches, schools and leisure
centres IIRC). I thought this might be interesting to compare VMD
with OSM but picking a few nodes at random in whichever package I
opened the VMD layer in (QGIS perhaps) I stumbled across a "leisure
centre" which is in reality a garden centre called "Outdoor

So yes, I'd agree, while the OS data can be useful in seeing what
needs surveying, I'd be a bit worried about trusting it without one
(though in combination with Bing imagery some of the obvious
discrepancies can be ignored), though you do seem to have
encountered more issues with it than I have, so perhaps quality
varies from area to area.

I'll confess when OS Locator first became available I tagged a few
road names using that and Streetview but have tried to visit them
all since to confirm they are correct. It's a bit like anything
tagged source=NPE; I'm still trying to track all those items down
and either survey them where they are on publically accessible land
or the best I can from Bing if not (one highway=road was a farm
track with a gate at the road end I couldn't get past, and only
recently did I get around to updating the way from Bing).


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