On 4 July 2011 19:14, Jason Cunningham <jamicu...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Has this been disabled/removed?
> The links bring me to a page that asks me to select a layer, and the layers
> available don't include the VMD stuff

Apologies for not making it clearer. Yes, we had to roll-back the code
(and remove these VMD layers) to sort out a gremlin in the code. We
expect to be able to re-release these layers (and add some interesting
new ones) within the next week.


Peter Miller

> Cheers,
> Jason
> On 28 June 2011 14:11, Peter Miller <peter.mil...@itoworld.com> wrote:
>> Here are three new map views using Vector Map District roads data for ITO
>> Map.
>> 1) 'VMD - roads'. This is a view of vector map district roads colour
>> coded according to its internal classification system.
>> http://www.itoworld.com/product/data/ito_map/main?view=136
>> Colours
>> blue: motorway
>> dark green: A road
>> dark red: Primary Road
>> orange: B road
>> buff: Minor road
>> grey: Local Street
>> thin black: Private Road, Public Access
>> 2. 'VMD roads missing'. Showing the above view with roads obscured
>> that are in OSM highlighting roads that are in VMD but are not in OSM.
>> Note that it does not include non-motorists way such as tracks,
>> footways etc in the white overlay but does include pedestrianised
>> streets.
>> http://www.itoworld.com/product/data/ito_map/main?view=134
>> 3. 'VMD roads missing (reverse). Showing OSM roads being obscured by
>> VDM to highlight roads that are in OSM but which are not in VDM. It
>> shows most roads (but not footways, parking aisles etc) in various
>> conventional colours which other non-motorised an minor routes as thin
>> green lines.
>> http://www.itoworld.com/product/data/ito_map/main?view=135
>> I have included district/unitary boundaries from OS boundary line in
>> some of the above layers.
>> Regards,
>> Peter
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