Since city status is such an emotive subject in the UK and I believe there's
some kind of competition to choose another couple of cities to be created
this year, I think we should stick with the officially designate dlist



On 17 October 2011 10:48, Ed Loach <> wrote:

> I was watching the quiz show "Holding out for a Hero" last night on
> TV and one of the questions was how many cities are in the UK. The
> correct answer out of 26, 46 and 66 was 66. Sorry for the spoiler if
> anyone had recorded it to watch later and couldn't have guessed.
> However I idly wondered at the time how accurately UK cities are
> mapped. This morning, with the help of a Geofabrik British Isles
> extract and a .poly file I created moments before finding the
> existing UK one on the Cloudmade website, I can confirm that we have
> 69. After finding an official list on a UK Gov website[1] and
> comparing:
> We are missing: Chichester, Lichfield, Ripon, Salford, St David's,
> Stoke-on-Trent, and Westminster
> We have extra: Bournemouth, Chelmsford, Colchester, Ipswich,
> Jedburgh, Middlesborough, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Reading, and
> Swindon
> I have a feeling that some of the extra ones have been tagged as
> cities for the renderer as rendering of cities doesn't take into
> account area (of a node?) or population as far as I know.
> Having said that, the Key:place wiki page[2] seems to suggest that
> the convention varies by countries with suggested tagging based on
> population for those countries that haven't established a
> convention. In other word it fudges the issue because mappers
> disagree. Map Features[3] suggests "Urban settlement of national
> importance as defined by national/state/provincial government. May
> be state capital, provincial capital or center of a metropolitan
> statistical area. Often over 100,000 people", which leans towards
> using official city definitions in countries where those exist.
> So currently, if someone wants a list of UK cities from OSM, they
> can't get it by using osmosis to extract place=city nodes. Or they
> can, but they would find our data to be wrong.
> So, should we correct the tagging of cities in the UK so people can
> extract correct information? Discuss...
> Ed
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
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