
> There is a serious problem with that, in that ‘place=city
> population=5000’ is
> an “oh no it isn’t” tag in the same way that ‘railway=station
> disused=yes’ is.

Except the first example would cause a place=city node to render as a city 
whatever the population (depending on your individual rendering rules), and the 
second example would render something that is no longer a station as a station 
(again depending on your rendering rules).

At the moment we have towns tagged as cities and cities tagged as towns because 
some people have decided to tag places based on population to make them render 
as they think they should on a rendered that they probably don't maintain the 
stylesheet for. I *could* add a tag natural=beach to golf=bunker to make it 
render now, waiting for changes to the stylesheet, rather than retagging cities 
and towns based on population rather than their official designation.

Someone in this thread suggested using another tag. I forget the suggestion but 
along the lines of designation=city or official=city or something. I briefly 
thought that this was a good solution, but after further consideration realised 
we would probably need to always add it to place nodes in the UK just to 
confirm that we have tagged something as what it actually is, and not as 
something different based on area or population. Correcting the ones that are 
tagged other than what they are and amending the renderer(s) if required sounds 
an easier solution to me. 


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