On 17/10/11 14:26, Ed Avis wrote:
> So in the long term the answer may be to stop rendering and address
> lookup and other applications from using the place=city nodes at all,
> but have them work based on areas.  Then the ambiguous place nodes can
> eventually disappear.

The main problem with this is that towns/cities don't always grow
outwards into perfect circles.  This means that the centroid of the city
boundary can end up in some insignificant suburb of the city rather than
the much more desirable place in the city centre.

I think a better solution would be to tag some place as being the "city
centre" and then the renderer can be told: place the name somewhere
within the area of the city, but try to place it close to the city centre.

I think this sort of thing is generally hard to do with automated
rendering.  The City of Westminster doesn't need to be shown at the
country level, but it should be shown at the London level.  The city of
Ely isn't really very significant, in fact it's a lot less significant
than some medium-large towns.  A human cartographer with knowledge of
the UK knows this, but how can we tell the renderer?


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