On 4 December 2011 18:12, Pawel Stankiewicz <sta...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:

> Chances are something very different from a ban. There are also chances that 
> a satellite will fall on my head but there is no chances to predict every 
> consequence of any action and only 1 way to verify predictions.

That's all very philosophical, but by the sounds of it you didn't test
your import before you mucked up the live server. That's inexcusable.
We have test servers available, you could have easily experimented
there and found out in safety that you don't know what you are doing.
Even if you have never heard of the import guidelines, that would
still be a responsible approach.

I would suggest a little less arrogance and instead some humility in
future would be nice. After ignoring all of our guidelines and messing
up our live database, you haven't even apologised - instead, you are
just arguing as if you have done nothing wrong.


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