> I have stated to map the 60ish p laques (mostly blue) in Hull and  
> update the openplaques site too. I wrote a blog about it earlier this  
> month http://chris-osm.blogspot.com/2012/01/plaques-blue-or-not.html .  
> It seems there is a plaque to Dickens here too, though I haven't  
> checked it out yet. I'm creating a small-scale tourism site including  
> blue plaques and other memorials such statues. 

Interesting read - thanks.

Yeah, Dickens seemed to get about!
> I use historic=memorial, memorial=blue_plaque, description=summary,  
> openplaques:id=* I will happily change if there is a consensus, but the  
> blog and comments show some issues. Many a wiki page would help discuss  
> the issue (now I feel dirty). 

I feel as long as the information is there, then we can always run some 
auto/manual conversions to the latest scheme to make it easy/obvious for data 

The landmark = memorial_plaque came from the 'landmark wiki page'

If we agree on things up front it makes it simpler.

I was thinking about making a initial Wiki page, perhaps after some discussion 
I choose talk-GB, as mostly these plaques are GB (over 5000 exist according to 
OpenPlaques), rather than the wider tagging mail list for a start point.
> Cheers, Chris 
> Cheers, Chris 
> User chillly 
> Blog http://chris-osm.blogspot.com 
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