> Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2012 03:27:31 +0100
> From: openstreet...@jordan-maynard.org
> To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
> Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Hampshire Vandalization - No Bere Forest?
> On 29/03/2012 19:30, Robert Norris wrote:
> >
> > I've just noticed Bere Forest (and trails) has been wiped from the map:
> > http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=50.91178&lon=-1.15578&zoom=15
> >
> > It's literally empty space!
> >
> > Probably most where Andy Steets initial trials, but he's agreed so was
> > there some over zealous deletion by some one?
> >
> > Unfortunately the history service contains to many world edits to be of
> > use, and the general OSM history is quit slow at the moment.
> > I think user monxton has tried to repair stuff.
> If it helps, I don't mind if you revert my changesets to get back to a
> better place. I reinstated the roads, but clearly there's a lot more
> that went missing too.

This afternoon I went to the Forest of Bere in search of Bluebells as 
recommended by the Woodland Trust website [1]

However it didn't live up to it's 5 star rating, but it was quite nice 
nevertheless - maybe I'm a bit late for Bluebells - there were some but not 
that many.

So I've had a good wander and should be able to redo most main tracks (there's 
also loads of little paths - which where never in before anyway - not that I 
walked many of them).

What's all nice is the Forestry Commission allow you to cycle on *all* paths, 
and horse riding is by permit only (tag as 'horse=permit' ?)

I'll remap it time permitting tomorrow morning (out and about tonight) plus 
fixing the longer routes that go through it from previous outings / and renewed 

I didn't go to the north parts of the Upperford Copse section though.

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