> P.S. It would appear that this thread is at risk of turning into a
> difference of opinions between two individuals rather than a
> discussion
> amongst the wider community. Out of consideration for the other
> users of
> this list I will therefore not be making any further replies to
> thread.

To add a third individual to the discussion, after avoiding it
previously but having had plenty of wine this evening...

Both of your arguments make sense to me. But I tend to use
highway=path for instances where I can't determine any more
accurately (a bit like I would use highway=road in cases where I
couldn't determine the type (or designation?) of the road). i.e. it
is a path which doesn't have any public footpath/etc signs, or any
restrictions which prevent say cycles or horses using it, or
whatever. So generally I use it on countryside paths without public
footpath/etc signs.

So for the example of the photograph mentioned in this thread, if I
were to map it from imagery I would have to use highway=path as I
can't tell anything more just from imagery. In this particular
example I'd be tempted to add designation=? cos that's what is on
the signpost... But if I had surveyed it and it was signposted as a
public footpath I would use highway=footway and

An example of where both are used is here:
The public footpath is signposted around the edge of the field, but
it is clear when surveying and even from bing that lots of people
cut the corner. One is highway=footway and the other as
highway=path. This is not tagging for the renderer, as the two are
different (the footway was mapped before designation was widespread
- checking history I added the designation tag in v2 but didn’t map
the way initially). I can’t put any other tags on the highway=path
way, as foot=yes (legal right), foot=designated (signposted as for
foot use), etc are not verifiable access tags - as far as I am
concerned it is an obvious path on the ground but with no other
indications of permissions to use it. 

Sometimes when mapping from aerial imagery I also add highway=track
tags, but can't usually add tracktype without a survey to confirm.

So, I find having both tags available useful; in particular
highway=path is useful for tagging paths that you have no additional
information for, and highway=footway is a handy shorthand for paths
that aren't anything other than footpaths. 


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