Adam Hoyle wrote:

On 21 Aug 2012, at 14:47, Andy Allan wrote:

On 21 August 2012 13:27, SomeoneElse < <>> wrote:

Although I'd usually oppose such Americanisms, in this case "sidewalk" is unambiguous in a way that "footway" (or "pavement") isn't, and on the forum thread (and several years ago on a mailing list, when this was previously
discussed) I said that I wouldn't object to someone changing a
"footway=left" that I had mapped to "sidewalk=left". Not everyone agreed
with me, though...

I'm entirely supportive of using "sidewalk" when discussing pavements
in the context of OSM. "footway" is even more confusing to OSMers than
even "pavement" would be! For years now I've been using the term
"sidewalk", and explaining why that's the best word for it, whenever
I've discussed the topic.

I agree - from the wiki <> a footway seems unambiguously to be what americans call a sidewalk.

The picture explictly ISN'T a sidewalk. I'd probably map it as a paved track with foot access only

It's totally confused me, so in the bit of UK countryside I edit I have added tons of ways with highway=footway tags through woods, fields etc, when in fact I am pretty sure they should really be highway=path tags. I realised this a little while ago, so this thread is timely.

Do please correct me if I'm still confused as I'm slowly going through the process of re-tagging them from footway to path.

I wouldn't put too much trust in that wiki page. The perpetrator of this mass change has also been wikifiddling:

(and +1 to what Andy Robinson just said about conveying meaning, while I was writing this!)

Basically, just try and capture whatever relevant information you can - access rules, designation, surface, width, whatever.


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