On 21 August 2012 15:47, Adam Hoyle <adam.li...@dotankstudios.com> wrote:

> Do please correct me if I'm still confused as I'm slowly going through the
> process of re-tagging them from footway to path.

Ah, no, different thing altogether. The subject at hand is about
"sidewalks", i.e.

"highway=residential footway=both" vs "highway=residential sidewalk=both"

there is an entirely different kerfuffle about

"highway=footway" vs "highway=path"

... and that's been going on for yonks. You also said

> I agree - from the wiki 
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:highway%3Dfootway a footway seems 
> unambiguously to be what americans call a sidewalk.

Well, it depends whether you are talking about dictionary meaning, or
"OSM meaning". Sure, in a dictionary, footway is like sidewalk, but as
Andy Robinson has explained, it has a much wider meaning within OSM.


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